Monday, May 25, 2020

William Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet - 1423 Words

When one thinks of the word â€Å"love,† the idea of romance often comes to mind. Therefore, platonic love (non-romantic love) is often forgotten, though it is equally as strong as its romantic counterpart, and can lead to consequences much more tragic. Such is the case with William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Despite the dominating romance between the two young lovers, as the play progresses, one would realize that the platonic love of those around Romeo and Juliet, though no one can be at fault, is what actually leads the lovers to their ends. In Franco Zeffirelli’s movie rendition of the play, this underlying love is revealed as well and is shown evidently. Therefore, Zeffirelli manages to portray this love clearly, allowing the†¦show more content†¦This love, however, contributes to the death of Romeo and Juliet because if Capulet had not delayed the wedding, Juliet would already be a wife, and would not be able to have a romantic relationship with Romeo. If Juliet did not have a relationship with Romeo, then neither of them would eventually commit suicide for each other. 1 Despite Capulet’s mistake of trying to protect his daughter, the lovers may still have been spared from death if not for the love from Friar Lawrence. Friar Lawrence’s mistake is his giving permission for Romeo to marry Juliet. Even after saying that â€Å"Young men’s love then lies/ Not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes† (II, iii, 71-72), he gives permission for the marriage due to his love, which is shown by his actions (of allowing the marriage), for them and their families, as he wishes the marriage will end the hatred between the two households. This is demonstrated in his dialogue when he says: â€Å"In one respect I’ll thy assistant be...To turn your households’ rancor to pure love† (II, iii, 97-99). If Friar Lawrence had not given them permission to marry, then the lovers would either have no good reason to continue loving each other and move on (as young love often fades quickly due to it being based on attractiveness rather than true love), or they would not be obliged to conform to the roles of a husband and a wife, as one of them doing so contributes to their demises. After Tybalt’s death

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Tap Water in 42 States Contaminated by Chemicals

Public water supplies in 42 U.S. states are contaminated with 141 unregulated chemicals for which the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has never established safety standards, according to an investigation by the Environmental Working Group (EWG). Tainted Tap Water Used by Millions of Americans Another 119 regulated chemicals—a total of 260 contaminants altogether—were found by the environmental group in a two-and-a-half-year analysis of more than 22 million tap water quality tests. The tests, which are required under the federal Safe Drinking Water Act, were conducted at nearly 40,000 utilities that supply water to 231 million people. Pollution Threatens Tap Water Quality According to a report by the EWG, the top 10 states with the most contaminants in their drinking water were California, Wisconsin, Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, Texas, New York, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Illinois—in that order. EWG said the biggest sources of contaminants were agriculture, industry, and pollution from sprawl and urban runoff. Utilities Need More Enforceable Standards for Tap Water EWGs analysis also found that almost all U.S. water utilities comply fully with enforceable health standards once they are developed. The problem, according to the environmental group, is the EPAs failure to establish enforceable health standards and monitoring requirements for many tap water contaminants. Our analysis clearly demonstrates the need for greater protection of the nations tap water supplies, and for increased health protections from a number of pollutants that are commonly found but currently unregulated. said Jane Houlihan, vice president for science at EWG, in a prepared statement. Utilities routinely go beyond what is required to protect consumers from these contaminants, but they need more money for testing, and for protection of vital source waters. Additional Information: Why Is Chlorine Added to Tap Water?Does Fluoride in Tap Water Improve or Harm Your Health?

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Students Of The Metro Early College High School - 2335 Words

We, the students of the Metro Early College High School, in order to promote the conditions of our peers and provide prosperity to our community, both as students and citizens, for the continuity of our school and for the classmen to come do establish this as the constitution of the Student Council of the Metro Early College High School. Article One: The Purpose and Composition of the Student Council Section One: The Purpose of the Student Council The Student Council is a Student Government organization within the Metro Community. The Metro Community will be defined as the Students and Staff of the Metro Early College High School. The Student Council has the sole goal of improving the Metro Community. The Student Council will take Actions†¦show more content†¦For the years after this Constitution is ratified, the previous year’s Leadership Team will conduct these duties. After the Advisory Representatives are chosen the first Student Council Meeting will be scheduled and conducted by the previous year’s Leadership Team. The first Student Council Meeting of each year will address the Leadership Team Positions and start the Election Process. All following Student Council Meetings will have their topics and agendas determined by the current Leadership Team and Host Administrator. The Student Council will hold regular meetings throughout the School Year Student Council Meetings will occur at minimum once every other week during Advisory in the Fall and Spring Semesters. The Student Council may schedule Additional Student Council Meetings as needed. Additional Student Council Meetings may occur during Advisory, Lunch and After School. Additional Student Council Meetings may be scheduled during J-Term. Student Council Meetings will adhere to the Host Administrator’s Schedule. Each member of the Student Council shall be responsible for the time they spend at Student Council Meetings. Any assignments, discussions or events missed by attending a Student Council Meeting may not be exempted because of an individual’s membership in the Student Council. Section Three: Composition of the Student Council The Student Council will be composed of the following. An Administrator delegated as the Host of the Student Council. A

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Mental Health Refore What It Would Really Take Essay Example For Students

Mental Health Refore: What It Would Really Take Essay Mental Health Reform: What It Would Really Take In todays society there is a greater awareness of mental illnesses. With this greater awareness one might assume that there would be a substantial increase in government involvement or funding in the area of mental illness treatment. Unfortunately this isnt the case in the U.S. today. There are hundreds of thousands of people with mental illness that go untreated. These potential patients go untreated for many reasons. These reasons are discussed in the Time article Mental Health Reform: What Would it Really Take. The article gives some examples of what has happened to people that have not received mental treatment due to lack of government funding. These mentally ill people often dont receive treatment because the police are often picking up the mentally ill and they are not trained to diagnose mental problems so the problems go unnoticed. This can prove to be fatal. The article tells about a New York man who asked to be hospitalized because he was terrified of phantom voices instead of the correct treatment budget conscious officials most often referred him to short term emergency care. Last year the man in a psychotic state shoved a woman from a subway platform to her death under the wheels of the train. The article also discusses some possible solutions that could help stop such tragedies. The main person that is speaking out for more government aid is vice-presidents wife Tipper Gore. Tipper openly states that she too has suffered from mental illness. She says that she had suffered with depression for a period of time. She is advocating an increase in government funding to improve access to care for others. She would also like employers to help by providing equal insurance coverage for mental and physical health. Currently insurance plans can charge higher co-payments for psychaitric visits than for other medical care. I feel that even if the proposals become law its only the first step to fixing this problem. The article discusses some promises made by Kennedy in 1963 to subsidize mental-health services in every community. Kennedy signed a bill to create as many as 2000 community health centers, there are just 740 today. The insurance companies might feel a little better about supporting mental-health if they were presented with some comparisons of successful treatment between psychiatry and physical medicine. One such comparison given in the article is that 60% of those treated for schizophrenia can be successfully treated, while just 41% of those that have angioplasty can recover fully. There is a huge number of mentally ill that are homeless because theyve gone untreated. They often turn to illegal drugs to ease there pain and confusion. In my opinion this problem should be addressed quickly. There are confused mentally ill people that have been forgotten about by society that are roaming the streets. These people can un-knowingly commit horrific crimes such as the man discussed earlier that pushed the women to her death in the New York subway. The government shouldnt be the only ones held responsible for fixing this problem, insurance companies that make millions and millions of dollars could afford to provide equal physical and mental coverage. In the article it states that you would be talking about a 6% cost increase which big business states as being huge. I think that there is a huge percentage of our population that is not properly cared for and its a shame that it will probably take some horrible act committed by a person against society that needed care and didnt receive it to bring about change. Dress codes EssayREFERENCE Cloud, J.(1999, June 7). Mental Health Reform: What it Would Really Take. TIME, Vol.#153 (issue #22), pg#s 49-53 .